Sunday, July 15, 2012

Following are the list of publications of my grandfather ( Part 2 ):

11.  R.S.Rao & R.V. Kammathy - Notes on Indian Commelinaceae 5. J. Linn.Soc. London 59: 305 - 308. 1966.
12.  K. Subramanyam & R.V. Kammathy - Limnocharis H.B.K. - A genus new to India. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 64: 339 - 390.1967.
13.   K. Subramanyam & R.V. Kammathy - I.O.P.B. Chromosome number reports Taxon 16: 341. 1967.
14.  R.V. Kammathy, A.S. Rao & R.S. Rao - A contribution towards a flora of Biligirirangan Hills, Mysore State. Bull. bot. surv. India 9: 204 - 234. 1967.
15.  R.S. Rao, R.V. Kammathy & R.S. Raghavan - Cytotaxonomic studies on Indian Commelinaceae - A review J. Linn. Soc. (bot.) 60: 357 - 380. 1966.
16.  R.V. Kammathy - Salvinia auriculata Aublet - A rapidly spreading weed in Kerala. Sci. & Cult. 34: 396. 1963.
17.  R.V. Kammathy - Anatomy of Vetiveria zizantoides (L.) Nash. Bull. bot. Surv. India 10 : 283 - 235. 1968.
18.  R.S. Rao, R.S. Raghavan & R.V. Kammathy - Biosystematic studies on Indian Commelinaceae - The chromosome pattern and evolutionary trends. Bull. bot. Surv. India 12 (1 - 4) : 242 - 254. 1970 (1972).
19.  R.V. Kammathy, Rai H.N. Chaudhuri & R.N. Kayal - Pharmacognostic studies on the genus Solanum L. Surv. India 13: 224 - 235. 1971 (1974).
20.  R.V. Kammathy - Rare and endangered species of Indian Commelinaceae in Jain, S.K. & R.R. Rao(Ed.) - An assessment of Threatened plants of India, BSI, Howrah 213 - 221. 1983.
21.  R.V. Kammathy - A new combination in Murdannia Royle (commelinaceae) 24: 206. 1983.
22.  R.V. Kammathy - Commelinaceae in M P Nayar and A R K Sastry ed. Red Data Book of Indian Plants, Vol 1 pg. 120 - 135, 1987.
23.  R. V. Kammathy - Commelinaceae in M P Nayar ans A R K Sastry, ed. Red Data Book of Indian Plants, Vol 2 pg. 93 - 101, 1989. 
24.  R. V. Kammathy - Commelinaceae in M P Nayar and A R K Sastry, Red Data Book of Indian Plants,Botanical Survey of India,Calcutta, Vol 3 pg. 98, 1990. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Following are the list of publications of my grandfather ( Part 1 ):

1.  G.Panigrahi & R.V.Kammathy - Studies on Hypochoeris radicata L. A new record for India.       Memoirs Indian bot. soc.3: 200 - 210. 1960.
2.  R.S. Rao & R.V. Kammathy - Notes on Indian Commelinaceae 1- J.Bombay nat.Hist. Soc. 59: 58 - 70. 1963.
3.  R.V. Kammathy & R.S. Rao - Notes on Indian Commelinaceae -2 Cytological observations. 161 - 163. 1961.
4.  R.V. Kammathy & R.S. Rao - Notes on Indian Commelinaceae 3 Cytological observations. 393 - 394. 1961.
5.  G.Panigrahi & R.V. Kammathy - Cytological evolution in Aneilema sensu lato in Eastern India. Memoirs Indian Bot. Soc.  90 - 98. 1961.
6.  G.Panigrahi & R.V. Kammathy - Studies on the taxonomy and cytology of certain species on Aneilema sensu lato in Eastern India. Proc.nat.Acad. Sci. India 33: 491 - 506. 1963.
7.  R.V. Kammathy - On the occurrence of  two species of Hypochoeris in Nilgiris, S. 5: 247 - 249. 1963.
8. G.Panigrahi & R.V.Kammathy - Cytotaxonomic studies on certain species of Commelina L. in Eastern India. J. Indian. Bot. Soc. 43: 294 - 310. 1964.
9. R.V. Kammathy & R.S. Rao - Notes on Indian Commelinaceae 4 : Cytotaxonomic observations 6: 1-6. 1964.
10.  R.V. Kammathy & R.S. Rao - I. O. P. B. Chromosome number reports. 5. Commelinaceae. Taxon 14 : 191 - 194. 1965.